Introducing Fantasy Map Maker: The Continent!

Fantasy Map Maker is a roll-and-write tabletop game in which players strive to complete quest goals as they create their own fantasy map.  The Continent is an expansion to the standard game that lets players play the game over four sessions before combining their four regional maps into a large continental one.

To talk more about how the expansion compares with the standard game, let's look at the two game sheets side-by-side:

Spot the Difference!

How many differences could you spot? Here are the main ones...

1. The numbers on two borders of The Continent map have been removed and replace by a green border. There is also a red border on the other two borders. These lines represent which borders - or edges - the features of the map can touch (green) and can't touch (red). There are 4 different game sheets for each full game of the expansion, and at the end of the game, the game sheets are combined, with features on the green edges overlapping in the adjacent game sheet. As the outermost regions of the continent are ocean, the outer border (red line) is always going to be ocean (it is a continent, after all!).

2. There are 6 fewer features in the Feature Wheel. This is to account for the overlapping features from adjacent game sheets, as well as the restriction on features touching the red outer edges. In play-testing with a full standard game sheet, the maps inevitably became crowded, with too many coastlines, mountains, and forests. 

3. There is a new Landmark type: Ports. Ports offer a one-time ability to draw a feature from the current game sheet onto a previously completed map. This would be an irrelevant ability in the standard game, but in this expansion can allow the player to correct an unfinished part of a previous map or even add more features to score higher on a Quest. 

Speaking of Quests, all Quests are scored at the very end of the game in The Continent. In addition to the 5 Quests that players pursue in each game sheet, each player will also need to choose 2 (out of 4) Main Quests to aim for over the course of the 4 game sheets. Main Quests have been designed to offer a different challenge to the regular Quests. They offer a possible 50 points each, so are worth keeping in mind as you play. 

Main Quests

The Continent can be played solo or with a group, and takes about 2-4 hours to play through. To play The Continent, you will need Quest and Event cards from the standard game, along with an understanding of the standard game rules.

The Continent offers a richer experience by allowing players to create maps on a grander scale, while also increasing the depth of decision-making due to the ongoing Main Quests that apply to each map, as well as the interconnected nature of the maps.

The expansion is included in any purchase of Fantasy Map Maker.

a finished map of The Continent (with the Game Sheets removed)


The Continent Expansion Fantasy Map Maker.pdf 4.7 MB
32 days ago

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